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Water Diplomacy at a Glance


Around the world, countries share rivers, lakes and groundwater. Decisions about how to share these waters across borders - in terms of quantity, timing, and quality - are intrinsically political in nature. Even more so as pressures on water resources such as economic growth and climate change multiply claims on water and increase competition. Resolving the resulting distributional dilemmas - who gets what, when and how - as well as addressing potential tensions between states is important: in an increasingly interdependent and unstable world, negative impacts of noncooperation affect ever more people also beyond the water sector.


Fair, strong, inclusive, effective and efficient governance arrangements are the key to ensuring that transboundary water resources are managed sustainably, equitably, and peacefully for the benefit of both people and ecosystems.

The IHE Delft Water Diplomacy Programme in the framework of DUPC2 aims to contribute to the establishment and advancement of joint water governance arrangements. The goal is to realize equitable and sustainable outcomes through activities in the fields of knowledge sharing & science-policy dialogue, advancement of educational excellence, research & knowledge production, strengthening of educational institutions in the Global South, as well as basin-specific trainings and dialogues.

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