A capacity development project under the IHE Delft Partnership Programme for Water and Development (DUPC2)
Strengthening educational institutions in the Global South
Cooperation with the University of Khartoum
Since 2017, the University of Khartoum and IHE Delft jointly organise annual workshops on ‘Water Cooperation and Diplomacy in the Nile Basin’. These workshops bring together policy makers, diplomats and scientists from Sudan and other Nile Basin countries. The latest insights into water cooperation and diplomacy in that basin are shared through lectures by experts from the basin and beyond as well as through interactive methods like role plays.
Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD)
IHE Delft is a core partner of the Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD). The network promotes mutual learning, joint conferences and educational activities. By supporting this network, the DUPC2 Water Diplomacy project fosters sharing and connecting knowledge and ensure that voices and perspectives from different regions of the world are included in academic debates. A joint article that outlines the vision and mission of the UPWCD has been published in the International Journal of Water Resources Development.